
Tarushi Tyagi Tarushi Tyagi

Epilepsy - A Part of Me

I was 7 years old when I first had a seizure in school. My doctors told me that this didn’t always mean that a person had epilepsy, but, after having a cluster of 3 seizures just after lunch one day, I went on to have an EEG and MRI, the results of which led to my doctors diagnosing me with epilepsy. They diagnosed me with a rare form of Reflex epilepsy known as Eating Epilepsy.

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Ankita Guchait Ankita Guchait

The Resiliency of my Brain

It’s been 9 years since I have been seizure free, but I never had the courage to share with the world until I learned how resilient is my brain. In traditional cultures, having a disability is like a scar and people would still continue discriminate you even if you do not have that disability. Unlike western countries, I was raised in India and got brain damage when I was 7 months.

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